Project-based Curriculum 和 H和s-on Opportunities
- Our programs are built around what we call real-world experience – project-based work in professional environments 和 on professional software 和 hardware, giving our students the chance to experience what it’s like in their industry before they graduate.
- A variety of projects 和 real-world opportunities are threaded throughout our curriculum, across all disciplines.
- It’s not just curriculum-based opportunities - Full Sail's relationships in the world of entertainment 和 media have led to unique h和s-on, experience-building opportunities for students.
Full Sail’s core commitment to providing students with real world experience led to the creation of one of the most technologically advanced on-campus studios in the country - Studio V1: Virtual Production. This is the same type of production studio used to create the eye-popping visual effects in shows like 曼德罗瑞, 和 the introduction of Studio V1 gives students across multiple degree programs the ability to help create the future of filmmaking.
一个值得骄傲的 partnership between Full Sail 和 Echelon Fit led to this innovative on campus lab featuring some of Echelon’s most technology-forward fitness equipment. Through the lab 和 partnership, students will be able to work on re搜索ing, 设计, 和 developing an assortment of tech-based applications in the Fitness 技术 Lab, including VR/AR maps 和 trails for exercise, software enhancements, 和 improved functionality in this growing technology category.
Full Sail大学’s Dan Patrick School of 体育casting was developed with input from the veteran sportscaster himself. Throughout this innovative curriculum, online 和 campus students work together with industry veterans 和 active professionals to build a reel showcasing their talents.
With the largest collegiate esports arena in the US, Full Sail is able to host amazing opportunities at the Full Sail大学 Orl和o Health Fortress. That includes year-round tournaments, 游戏, 和 meetups that allow students to gain experience in a variety of roles related to live esports event production. The Fortress has been host to fighting game series 红牛征服 和 家庭 Collegiate Championship Finals 和 变得越来越大胆BolderX iGen 《og体育》锦标赛, giving students the chance to learn firsth和 about behind-the-scenes operations 和 even serve as project managers.
Full Sail has partnered with nearby 罗林斯学院 to provide students with even more opportunities to collaborate on projects like musical performances, 体育赛事, 还有广播节目. As a part of the collaboration, students from Full Sail's Dan Patrick School of 体育casting are able to lend their voices to the Rollins athletic department by calling the college's home 体育赛事, 和 audio students work with Rollins’ Department of 音乐 to record classical ensemble tracks.
Launched in collaboration with 战争博弈.网。, the UX Lab is a 3000 square-foot space dedicated for game testing. It utilizes technologies such as eye-tracking 和 facial recognition to assess the player experience, 和 projects from both students 和 studios alike can benefit from these technologies.